Galina Petrova - Honored Artist of Russia, Laureate of International Contests. Her manner features high performing skill, original musical mentality, skill of ensemble play. Toured in USA, Japan, Germany, France, Australia, Baltic States, countries West Europe. Appeared in many cities of Russia, conducted master-classes in Japan, Australia, Croatia. Galina Petrova got her music education at the Moscow Conservatory, after which she performs as a soloist at many concerts dedicated to Bach, Chopin, Beethoven… She was a professor at the Alma Ata Conservatiry for seven years and has performed in Germany, Italy, Austria, France, Turkey, Japan, USA… She has participated in the Russian festivals Moscow Stars, Russian Winter, as well as festivals in USA, Croatia and other countries. The music of Musorgski, Tschaikovsky, Rimsky-Korsakov and Borodin is on tonight’s repertoire.